Tan Chong Motor Holdings


Outstanding Related Party Receivables (Amended Announcement)

BackNov 19, 2010
Type Announcement
Subject Outstanding Related Party Receivables
Contents The Board of Directors of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad ("the Company") wishes to announce the following updates in respect of the outstanding related party receivables of the Company:

(i) Total outstanding related party receivables as at 30 September 2010: As set out in the table below.

(ii) Steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Company to recover the related party receivables:

(a) Sending reminders and following up on overdue amount.
(b) Active engagement with the related parties to resolve disputed amount.
(c) Negotiate with the related parties to finalise settlement terms.

(iii) Expected timeframe to fully recover the related party receivables:

The Group expects to fully recover the outstanding related party receivables within five (5) months from the date of this announcement.

Outstanding Period RM '000
> 1 year - 3 years 414.4
> 3 years - 5 years 128.6
> 5 years - 10 years 44.3
> 10 years 5.7
Total 593.0


Announcement Info

Stock Name TCHONG    
Date Announced 19 Nov 2010  
Category General Announcement
Reference No TCM-101119-8672B